Brussels Sprouts
It’s Winter - and that means there’s never been a better time to roast some seasonal vegetables and get that comfort food feeling.
It’s also a great time to mix it up with some vegetables you may have avoided. Brussels sprouts are a great example of this. It sounds fancy when we say they originated in Belgium in the 16th century - hence Brussels - with the capital ‘B’ and ’s’ on the end. So many of us were turned off them as kids when we had to endure soggy, plain, over cooked sprouts.
Believe me it’s worth giving them another go!
Yes - they have great attributes like being rich in antioxidants, fibre and vitamin C, but they can taste delicious too.
Roasting, seasoning and in this case, adding parmesan cheese, gives them a whole new lease on life.
Here’s a few helpful tips on making this pesky vegetable a little more enticing.
- Halve larger sprouts before cooking. For smaller ones, leave them whole and cut a cross in the stem. As this is the thickest part of the vegetable, cutting in a cross allows it to cook at the same speed as the rest of it.
- Drying your Brussels with a towel before roasting will help them to crisp up more.
- Olive oil, garlic and seasoning add lots of extra flavour. You can experiment with different dried or fresh herbs and spices.
- If you’re using frozen sprouts let them defrost before cutting and roasting them.
- Introducing them to kids can be challenging. Roasting them with other vegetables you know they like may help. Then perhaps cut them into quarters to hid them a little more.

Parmesan Brussels Sprouts & Steak
1 Serving 403 Cal 30 Min
- 2 medium Baby Potatoes
- 150 g Brussels Sprouts
- 80 g Broccoli
- 1.5 tsp Olive Oil
- 1 Clove Garlic
- 100g Steak - whatever cut you prefer
- 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
- 1 Tbsp Greek Natural Yoghurt
- 1 Tbsp Grated Parmesan Cheese
Preheat oven 200°
Quarter potatoes and steam until tender - quickest way is in the microwave.
Halve Brussels sprouts - unless they are very small, in which case leave them whole and make a small cut into the stem.
Cut broccoli into florets.
Making sure your vegetables are as dry as possible before roasting will help them to crisp up.
Using a non stick tray or a lined baking tray, evenly spread vegetables. Drizzle over oil (save a small amount to rub into steak), scatter crushed garlic and season with salt and pepper. Move vegetables around to make sure everything is coated with oil, garlic and seasoning.
Cook for approx. 20 mins - turning vegetables half way through the cooking time if you like - make sure Brussels sprouts aren't over cooked or they become soggy.
While vegetables are in the oven cook steak. Use a small amount of olive oil to rub into both sides of your steak. Season with salt and pepper.
When pan is hot cook meat to your liking...turning only once. To test if your steak is done, use tongs to press centre of meat. Rare is soft - medium is slightly firmer and springy - well done is firm. Once cooked, cover and set aside to rest.
In a small dish combine Dijon mustard and yoghurt.
When vegetables are ready, serve with rested steak. Sprinkle parmesan over veg and serve with mustard sauce on the side.