The Benefits of All Types of Milk
Cow’s milk has featured in our diets for centuries and it gives us many important nutrients like protein for muscle building and maintenance, as well as vitamins and minerals. Drinking cow’s milk is also an easy way to get a good dose of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones. With that being said, if you choose not to drink cow’s milk or eat other types of dairy, you can get all these nutrients from other food and drinks in a balanced healthy diet.
Soy milk is another nutritious milk packed with nutrients, particularly protein and calcium (if it is a calcium fortified one, which most are). Soy milk also contains some fibre and healthy fats. You can limit unnecessary added sugar by choosing unsweetened varieties.
Oat, nut, coconut and rice milks are good options if you have intolerances to soy or cow’s milk, or if you prefer the flavours of these. While they are lower in protein, these types of milk can make tasty additions to smoothies, breakfast or ‘dairy’ type desserts. Choosing varieties that are fortified with calcium and are unsweetened will ensure they’re adding great nutrients as well as variety to your diet.